BEA Technologies Animal Free Filters for safe production in the biopharmaceutical sector
BEAPURE filters, to be declared “Animal Free“, are produced using materials and polymers completely free from derivatives of animal origin, generally added during the production process to facilitate extrusion and molding.
This important milestone was achieved thanks to the intense research work of the BEA Technologies Research and Development department, which led to a careful and meticulous selection and testing of the “purest” polymers to be used in the production of the entire BEAPURE line.
BEAPURE is the ideal solution for the most critical applications in the biopharmaceutical field: especially for the removal of endotoxins or other very fine negatively charged contaminants from various liquid solutions.
The BEA Laboratory Service carries out periodic checks on the characteristics and performance of the materials used in the production of the filters by analyzing the extractables, bacterial provocation tests and resistance to mechanical stress and steam sterilization.
BEAPURE filters are also available with HALAL certification.
The BEAPURE line is a guarantee of safety and quality:
- All BEAPURE filters are Animal-free certified and made with components completely free from parts of animal origin and not simply “disabled”.
- The original materials are checked and certified in compliance with the latest regulations.
- In the BEA Technologies laboratory, periodic checks are carried out on extractable products and any releases.
- Traceability of production by barcode on the labels of the finished product.